
I don't really like the word "Bucket"

Things I want to do before I die. Numbered, as it will be easier to
reference as I check them off. I mean this in an entirely
positive-goal-setting way, and I do not mean in any way that as I
finish these things I am closer to death.  No self destruction, just
things that I want and need to do.

1. Turn in a piece of professional writing in the font, Wingdings.
2. Get on a train, and just, go.
3. Slow dance to the songs on my slowdance list.
4. Wallpaper a room.
5. Get an antique bathtub.
6. Lay in a field/meadow with flowers in the purple-pink spectrum.
7. Tell my deepest desire to someone, and have them not react negatively.
8. Act in something or another as a femme fatale.
9. Get a pet tarantula.
10. Pay homage to my heroes.
11. Find out if whales are, in fact, real.
12. Maybe be in a Lord of the Flies situation...maybe...
13. Publish something, (successfully)
14. Grow cabbage.
15. Make borscht.
16. Enjoy borscht.
17. Find a situation where one of my ridiculous skills applies. (I.e.
calculator improvisation, extemporaneous construction)
18. Grow my hair long.
19. Go to a premiere/opening of something, where I have to wear a gown.
20. Never ride in a helicopter.
21. Eat another meal in France.
22. Give each of my friends something they have always wanted.
23. See Kafka's home.
24. Use the word "consolidate" in a cool way.
25. Have a showing of art where everything looks shabby, makeshift, and tacky.


I had this dream.

First thing's first. I haven't put things up here lately for two reasons. The first reason is that I have been working on a website to show my arts. This is it. The second is that I actually have been writing things and having elaborate ideas, but I all the sudden had an urge to censor them. It wasn't like a "mature audience only" thing, 'cause this one is going to be for mature audiences, but more of  a "wait, ali thinks this?" I don't know if embarrassed is the right word, I think I'm just not ready to tell the internet box.  Either way, I had this really wacky dream. I am going to describe it as it happened, as well as I can, probably with pictures as well.

I was in the science building at my school, but it was made of darker brick and dark, rotting wood.  There were a wide set of stairs leading up to the double door entrance.  I went up the stars slowly, and went into what seemed to be a biology class where we were doing dissections of some unreal creature.  The room was a dark, muted green, and poorly lit.  I sat in the back and apparently was a new student.

I was told to go find supplies, scalpels, I think, and I went down a staircase on the left wing.  When I got the stairs, however, I was in a sort of basement-warehouse. Cement floors, tons of cardboard boxes stacked every which way, and it smelled like a mixture of birdseed, rain, and disinfectant.  There were a few older women in pink and purple surgical scrubs walking about this warehouse, and they yelled that I shouldnt be down there. As I looked around for a way to exit, I saw a brown dog chasing a tabby cat. The stairs in which I had come down, had partially disappeared, in that, the lower steps no longer were there, so I couldn"t reach the rest of them.

I started to run through the warehouse looking for an exit, when I ran into (literally) a male figure who was taller than me and had a warm demeanor.  He took me up a dark staircase that outside light was peeking through, like dawn light, and everything had a smoky-yellow look. We went into an empty biology classroom, with high lab tables with black surfaces, and glass and wood cabinets filled with beakers, and preserved organs in opalescent liquid.  He smelled pretty good, clean mostly, but good. He picked me up and sat me on one of the tables so our faces were even, we took of our outer layers of clothes, and we had sex like that. He found me a lab coat to put on, because my shirt was no longer present, and we walked back to the class where I was supposed to bring supplies.  The students in the classroom looked happy to see us together, as we were arm in arm, my head leaned against him.

The class ended rather quickly and I was by myself again going down the wide, entrance stairs to a patch of lawn on the left.  The sun set immediately, and everything was a ruddy, purple-orange.  The sky looked like bombs were dropping, and a group of students were playing with a giant, red, green, yellow, and blue parachute-sheet.  In unison, they would fling the sheet upward, and then pull it down quickly, creating a little bubble where you could hide until the air escaped.  I let go, and my part of the parachute flew up into the air, and the professor pushed me onto the parachute, where I consequentially flew into the air and landed on my head. 

I was suddenly in a very dim and shadowy room full of people that, in this situation, I suppose, I knew quite well.  We were all about the same age, though I was one of the oldest.  We were gathered in sort of a last-soiree-ever, because we knew that we were about to fight in a battle.  Whatever we were about to fight was not human, or at least partially unhuman, they were dressed in jade-green, and approached us in groups of three very slowly.  We were outrageously outnumbered, and we knew this, and suddenly two mutual friends decided they would get married, although, situationally, we knew this was against the law.

Another thing that was against the law was breaking glass. However it was hard not to do because none of the glasses we had were made with flat bottoms.  If a glass broke or you had been married, you would be stabbed in the back until you bled to death.  I guess there was also a loop-hole in which you could be married if you had a child, and I tried to convince a lady that I had a daughter, and that is why I considered being married. Though, I had no evidence of this desire to marry until that point.

The enemy began to attack, and many people, including myself, moved to the back of the dark room, in sort of a stampede, because we were the weaker of the group.  Though, outside, and technically behind us were creatures a bit like fat goblins that were pretty powerful and they were prepping their attack.  The enemy launched something like fire at our group and we somehow turned them into bushes and they fell to the ground. 

The floor dropped out below us and the strongest levitated, but most of us fell into an abyss that was bright and gold.  We could slightly see the strongest levitating, and fighting the approaching enemy, but eventually, they faded out of view as we fell down.

I awoke.

Wacky right? Not embellished at all. Seriously. And not even hiding any details, I really didn't recognize any of these people, though they seemed to have familiar traits, like haircolor or scent.