
If I were Oprah.

If I were Oprah, I would give away all these things at my show. As a budding consumer and capitalist (just to make everyone happy) I have learned that these items either make me smile wildly, or are so frequently in use, they are me. Luckily, these items aren't terribly expensive.
Box Cutters are the perfect tool. If you are a masochist like me, don't like riding on airplanes, just moved somewhere, get many packages, have to frame pictures, like making collages, like stabbing, the list really is endless. Perfect little blades and a cute little clickey sound, makes other knives dull. (I am so punny.)
Queen's greatest hits (at the very least.) Freddie Mercury's voice is unparalleled. Possibly a perfect compact disk for listening, even if Queen is not your favorite band. It is not even in my top 10, but I think everyone should have this music. Just in case of being on an airport runway...
Lucky Brand Jeans. Everyone should have one pair. They make you feel like a million bucks if you have to wear jeans. Just, SERIOUSLY. Don't put them in the dryer.
Oh, nothing quite beats the taste of a Slurpee. So sugary, so cold, so classy! Best paired with cheap cigarettes and lack of air conditioner. But will always remind me of coming home from the doctor's as a child. My reward for enduring pain, if you will.
Daisy by Marc Jacobs makes me feel like a princess when I wear it. I want to smother people in my nice fragrance.
Glow in the dark stars that stick to your wall. They make you feel like you are 8, but you do smile when you turn off your lights for bed.
A Blobfish. Look at the 'lil guy. He's even equipped with a booger of sorts.

1 comment:

  1. whichmcqueen19.8.09

    retractable knives. the best bit about working in a hardware store. FACT. plus the fact your allowed to snap them in half, with the excuse of 'it was blunt' HAH.
    and glow in the dark stars remind me of my nana's house; who actually lives next door to me. when i was a little kid, i used to stay over there sometimes- bacon sandwiches, watching DAD'S ARMY on VHS [dad's army was an old british tv show] and the comfiest bed in existence; i literally sank a foot into the mattress- but the fireplace in the bedroom had dozens of little glo stars on the mantle; and i used to stare at them for as long as i could; wondering how long they glowed for.
    i never found out.
