
Mellowsexual or "I Want Her She Wants Me" by the Zombies.

I don't care what anyone says, honesty is the best policy.

Once upon a post-coital glass of water, I became completely aware of a truth. Though I have stated this before, I am now completely certain of the reason why people copulate and kiss with their eyes closed. I specualted this earlier this year when I was best described as a really cheap replacement for rejected boys. (unpaid whore??) Either way. I now know why pressing into someone with your eyes clenched tight makes it all worth while. We're an unfortunate mixture of dreamers and scavengers. I politely take what I can get and dream about those who I cannot. It's cruel, but it happens to everyone.

Are horoscopes accurate? Or are they a little bit like a placebo (or religion or love...) where if you look hard enough you somehow believe their truth? I tend to placebo/religion/love everything which I often attribute to being an over-analytical female, but...who knows. Maybe fate exists and we're all wrapped up in one big blanket statement os truth and self-fulfilling prophecies. Maybe.

Sometimes smiles exist on multiple planes of reality and/or surreality. Simply explained by Paul in "I've Just Seen a Face," smiles can gut you right open. Just tearing directly through you, spilling out your ugly little guts for everyone to see. Isn't it lovely the intrigue of vulnerability based on omnipotent smiles? With pretty teeths and ear to ear range. Gosh. Addicting.

It makes me want to scream and dance that people are reading Here Lies. Never have I been more thankful for participants and observers. If you were near, I'd both high five and cook us dinner. Love love love y'all.

Important research: Beluga Whales and bulbous heads.

    a. The melon is a rounded structure on the dorsal surface of a whale's head, just in front of the blowhole. On beluga whales it is prominent and overhangs the rostrum. The melon is composed of lipids (fats).

    b. The melon probably facilitates sound production. It can change shape when the whale is producing sounds (http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Beluga/bephysical.html)


  1. Anonymous9.8.09

    Love this. Definite high-five. Maybe I'd cook the dinner.

    Over-analysis. A handy but crippling tool for the pessimist? Or a thirst for understanding and knowledge?

    Is it better instead to be blissfully unaware and glibly happy? Not to analyse and just see things superficially? Is that innocent or ignorant?

    Or to be intensely analytical and sometimes surprised by the rare treasures kept at bay by the pessimistic mind? Although, even then, the mind can find a way of crumbling those.

    Perhaps there's a middle-point? A happy medium?

    Perhaps I'm tired.

    Love the blog, though.

  2. Anonymous9.8.09

    i thought long and hard about some sort of comment for this piece. but im afraid im no master of words.
    so here is this instead- in a weird way, your blog reminded me of this; so you can have it too.


    just a fistful of films which pushed the edge of the envelope, or escaped the postbox entirely.
    read the descriptions, and the reactions received from the institutions and the public- it certainly amused me how shortsighted, hypocritical and just simply ironic some of the outcries were.
    seriously; hardline christians firebombing a cinema. you gotta laugh at the situation.

    i hope you find a smile in there :]

  3. Goodness, I might reactivate my netflix account so I can see some of those. I had a weird obsession with Caligula when I was 14. You know he named his horse as consul? My mom refused to let me see the movie. Haha.

    Love the anonymity, but who are you first comment? I suppose beggars can't be choosers, but I think it's obvious I'm fluent in cliche.

  4. Moreover, first a-nonny-mouse comment, I take my view on life from Mr. Allen. "The glass is half full, but of poison. " I can't help but over analyze. I'm obsessed with knowing everything. I'm alright with happy mediums (media??) in person, but on a blog, I figured gray areas are kind of fair game.

  5. Anonymous9.8.09

    oh dear. ive got nothing against equestrians; but im not convinced he'd have the whole Roman Emperor thing locked down tight, y'know?

  6. Anonymous9.8.09

    Hey Ali, I was first anonymous... Simon. Twitter.

    Try 'This Will Be Our Year' by The Zombies, also. You probably know it anyway.
