
Contro. A Sketch Blog

Yeah, here's me in my hospital gown (wardrobe of choice) thinking about my favorite not-so favorites of all time.
"Virgin Vixen"
Probably the person on this fine earth that hates me most. I am transferring schools, and I can't deny that she is one reason. You win!
"Oh you know.."
ED, ANA, and MIA and I have such a complicated relationship.
"Indie Ralph"
No boy frustrated me more in 2005 than Ralph. He hated all of my ideas, and quite possibly wasted hours of my life. Bjork and I fought him in a short-lived comic series.
"Most Beautiful Girl in High School"
Gosh, did she hate me. Once she cried because of my presence at a party. Probably my first REAL enemy.

"Stoner Bruiser"
What an asshole. Likes beating women and smoking pot. Thinks he's cool, but is one of the most cruel people I have met. Ever.

Just bored watching the Disney channel. Hope it makes people giggle and smirk a little. There were a handful I retracted. Maybe they will show up on a braver blog. Right now, cowardice.


  1. Nice picture. The very top right one.

  2. yeah. 'cuz there's boobs. :p

  3. whichmcqueen19.8.09

    baha, this bare made me laugh; its almost as if i know them intimately- its amusing how your wee caricatures sum up those people so accurately (Y)
