

I blog about shell-fish frequently, but this one is about being selfish, and things that I want.

I want one of those moments, where you say goodbye to someone after having a nice time, and then you both turn around and, magnetically, if not metaphysically, your faces collide in a passionate kiss. As long as we're wishing, he might as well have beautiful arms and a hooded sweatshirt.

I want an extra two hours a day, so a 26 hour day, where I could spend those two hours reading or doing things that I have procrastinated. They would be literary or procrastinatory hours.

I want things with carbohydrates to taste bad so I do not eat them.

I don't want pets to die, ever.

I want to be famous. I am not kidding, and I am not saying it in a little-kid or Pussycat Dolls way or whatever. I actually do want to gain some sort of notoriety so my ideas can be spread further, and I can make enough money to open a school, and maybe (just maybe) buy Marc Jacobs clothes. AND! I don't want to get famous through a sex-tape.

I want a version of solitaire on my computer that doesn't insist that I "buy the full-version" or else I will never win a game.

Most of all, I want people to stop telling lies to me. No more. Stop. I can tell, and it's taken far too long for y'all to admit it.

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