
I don't really like the word "Bucket"

Things I want to do before I die. Numbered, as it will be easier to
reference as I check them off. I mean this in an entirely
positive-goal-setting way, and I do not mean in any way that as I
finish these things I am closer to death.  No self destruction, just
things that I want and need to do.

1. Turn in a piece of professional writing in the font, Wingdings.
2. Get on a train, and just, go.
3. Slow dance to the songs on my slowdance list.
4. Wallpaper a room.
5. Get an antique bathtub.
6. Lay in a field/meadow with flowers in the purple-pink spectrum.
7. Tell my deepest desire to someone, and have them not react negatively.
8. Act in something or another as a femme fatale.
9. Get a pet tarantula.
10. Pay homage to my heroes.
11. Find out if whales are, in fact, real.
12. Maybe be in a Lord of the Flies situation...maybe...
13. Publish something, (successfully)
14. Grow cabbage.
15. Make borscht.
16. Enjoy borscht.
17. Find a situation where one of my ridiculous skills applies. (I.e.
calculator improvisation, extemporaneous construction)
18. Grow my hair long.
19. Go to a premiere/opening of something, where I have to wear a gown.
20. Never ride in a helicopter.
21. Eat another meal in France.
22. Give each of my friends something they have always wanted.
23. See Kafka's home.
24. Use the word "consolidate" in a cool way.
25. Have a showing of art where everything looks shabby, makeshift, and tacky.


  1. WHICHMCQUEEN15.5.10

    err, whats borscht? [:
    WMQ XX

  2. Anonymous12.6.10

    You haven't written in such a long time! When will you be back? I always look forward to reading your posts :)
