
78 things. Word Association.

Word association is totally underrated. Give yourself like 8 minutes and type out 3 words per letter of the alphabet. No real thinking required.

axis, apple, anorexia
baste, blender, baby
cat, cuddle, cheap
death, dirt, dynamite
element, ephemeral, easy
fact, face, floss
gigantic, guilt, guess
help, highness, history
image, indent, instance
just, joke, jubilant
kiln, knock, knight
laugh, leather, loosen
mask, martian, marvelous
nonsense, nobody, never
optical, outed, omnipotent
poster, pillow, pasture
quilt, qualm, quotient
restless, running, ruthless
sidewalk, synonym, something
television, too, tab
umpire, unnecessary, ultimate
vapor, visualize, vest
walked, wanted, waste
xenophobe, xanax, xerox
yes, youth, you
zen, zilch, zipper

8 minutes are all you need to compile data for perfect analyzation. Reading over that, I can think of a distinct thought I had about each one. How interesting. I highly recommend doing this and having a reflective moment with each word/word group. Things to keep in mind: optimistic? pessimistic? daily events? hopes and dreams? people? memories? jokes? something you just did? something you're about to do? Either way.

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