

I hadn’t really the intention of writing about this today, but I felt it significant enough an event to really expand upon.

I was walking to the library as I do everyday, and I generally keep my head at the sidewalk, I guess half looking for anomalies and the other half not making eye contact with anyone unless their feet are interesting. In either case, I came upon a wasp trying to kill a moth. It really was an epic battle I was witnessing.

I had to intervene. Or else, I suspect I would have been real upset and the rest of my day would be shot. I can speculate as to why I intervened:

Maternally: I care far too much about living things. With the exception of myself, I just want to sweep every little critter up and care for them. Making them breakfast and tucking them in at night, even folding and matching their socks. (I firmly believe that “tucking in” at night is essential to a good night’s sleep.)

Morally: Wouldn’t it be just cruel to let something die like that and carry on all “Oh-my-life-is-so-superior-as-human”? If they were any sort of creature, or even object, I would have intervened. Man vs wild, man vs man, animal vs animal, animal vs vehicle, child vs ice cream, to no end.

Nationalistically: As an American, isn’t it my imperialistic duty to throw myself into every fight and get credit for winning? Of course this would be best accomplished by killing them both. Preferably with a hydrogen bomb or equally as controversial weapon, i.e. my stiletto heel.

Pacifistically: I have never fancied myself as a pacifist, because I like to fight, but I certainly don’t like war. I am so inbetween here, I mean all I can really say is that on days where we talk about soldiers and prior wartimes, I give the peace sign instead of waving. They, ironically, wave back.

Whichever I chose, I decided to merely break up the fight. I prodded the moth away from the wasp’s grasp. (What awkward wording, ali! A repetition of consonant sounds not even a mother could love…) The moth flew North and the wasp flew West.

I feel accomplished, and I am only slightly worried about vengeance. However, karmatically, I feel I did something good for life, and I hope it comes back at me all lovely.

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